Wednesday, August 3, 2011

BHS '71

We just recently had our 40 year ( since high school graduation) reunion.  I tell ya, I had the worst attitude about going.  I am just not into these things.  Roger, on the other hand is.  He was even on the planning committee, and has attended meetings once a month for the last 6 months.  So, we went.  Both nights. And it actually was fun. I saw some old friends, some old flames, and some old enemies.  Funny how feelings about people don't really change much even after not seeing them for 40 yrs.  It was as if we just picked up where we left off 40 years ago.   The place really started rockin' when I requested the DJ play some "3 Dog Night" tunes.  My favorite band back then.  Then "The Lettermen", to wind down to.  Oh...the memories! 

Take me out to the ballgame!