Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Words of a Prophet

“May the sunlight of faith ever warm your hearts. May you grow in strength and capacity as the years pass. May your outreach to others be as that of the good Samaritan. May the service which you render be fruitful for good in the lives of others. May prayer be a part of your daily activity. May reading enhance your knowledge and increase your understanding. May you be true and faithful one to another, and may the years bring to you that peace which passeth all understanding, the peace which comes of following the precepts of the Master”-
Gordon B. Hinkley. 15th president of

Since this great man's passing, I have tried to honor him each day by reading a quote or thought that he left us.
I recently came across this quote, and it reminded me that I will miss terribly being able to hear him speak to us in conference in a couple of weeks. I will miss it, but will always have great memories of how he has influence my life, and will continue to do so, through his wonderful legacy.

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