Friday, June 20, 2008


This is an idea that I liked so much, that I'm going to copy it! A friend of mine updates her blog on Fridays, and just posts the five most fabulous highlights of her week. I thought I'd like to do that, so I'll start with this week.
1 - The list topper this week, is that Sonia is engaged!! It is sooo Fabulous! Jeff gave her the most beautiful, delicate, so-much-like-Sonia, ring last weekend, and they have plans to be married on August 2nd! She is so happy, and we are all so happy for her!! Jaxson & Sarah are very excited as well. They love Jeff already, and I have a feeling that this little family was meant to be! We can't wait for it to be official! You'll be hearing more about
~ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lodwick~
2 - We had an 80th Birthday Bash for my Dad at their pool, last Saturday! It was perfect weather for swimming and a BBQ! The highlight of the day was the DVD that my brother Dave has been lovingly laboring over for months. He did a Fabulous job, and we all can't wait to get our own copy! Dad loved it!!!

3 - Joey, Emilie & Tessa came to spend the weekend with us, for the party and Father's Day. We love having them up. Between Joey preparing to teach this fall at Enterprise High, and all of the football clinics he and the Enterprise staff & team are doing this summer, our visits are few and far between. We cherish each one! Thanks for coming up you guys! And as always, we had a Fabulous time! LOVE YOU !!!

4 - Roger and I are having some success in our lifestyle change program. He has lost twice as much weight as I have ( ain't it always that way!!), but all is well. We expect to stay on track for a while with the new strength training program our trainer Rocky (what a great kid!) has put us on, and it should help us to eventually reach our goals! We'll just keep pluggin' along, and eventually we will both feel Fabulous!!

5 - Yesterday was our Annual Boyer Company Lagoon Day. We had a blast! It's so much fun, as the grandkids get older, to watch them enjoy the rides! The biggest Kid of all though is Roger!! He loves all those scarey, wild, way-high-up-in-the-air-rides that I hate so much! This year the guys, (Roger, Bryan & Lindsay) decided to go all out and fly over Lagoon on the Sky Coaster! What a crazy bunch of guys - but they absolutely loved it! They said it was Fabulous! Us girls, well, we just stood on the ground shaking our heads at them, praying that they would make it out alive!

First picture - The Ride
2nd - Getting in gear (don't they look adorable in their aprons?)
3rd - Taking the elevator of Death! Up, up & now there is no return!
4th - GERONIMO!!!!!
5th - Sailing over rooftops, with the greatest of ease!! Hi Guys !!!!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

These pictures turned out cute! we had tons of fun, hope to get the pics from Mandi soon to post from the flyer! Go boys! Also, kinda Ironic that your trainers name is Rocky! Do you enver sing with him the theme from the movie! Ha!