Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tribute to a Great Man!

Here is a tribute from my husband Roger, to his father. He passed away last night. We are happy that he has returned home, and is no longer suffering with his old worn-out body.
Instead he is with Mom, and they are dancing to "Blue Spanish Eyes".

My Dad

He isn't much in the eyes of the world
He'll never make history
No, he isn't much in the eyes of the world
But he is the world to me.......

My dad, now here is a man
To me he is everything strong
No, he can't do wrong, my dad.

My dad, now he understands
When I bring him troubles to share
Oh, he's always there, my dad.

When I was small I felt ten feet tall
When I walked by his side
And everyone would say "That's his son"
And my heart would burst with pride

My dad, oh I love him so
And I only hope that some day
My own son will say
"My dad now here is a man"


Vicki said...

Did dad write this? I really loved it. I need to tell dad that still but it made me cry when he read it! I love him! I am talking to you dad!

dianeb said...

No - Dad did not write this. It is a song (very old) that he has always liked. If you search for Paul Peterson, "My Dad" you can hear it on UTube.