Monday, March 22, 2010

I have been busy...........

It has been some time since I last posted. It's not that I haven't had anything happening, it's just that I've had alot happening. Rarely do I get more than a couple of minutes to sit down with my computer at home, and although I'm on one all day long at work, it is not a place I can blog, or socialize. My life has been mostly consumed with either planning something for, doing something with,or reporting on the Young Women in our ward. I sometimes wonder why the Lord has put me here at this time of my life, but without question, it has been worth every minute of the time I spend with these girls. I love them! They are wonderful people,and are all teaching me much more, I am sure, than I am teaching them. When you can see someone blossom and try new things because they have been inspired by those around them, or when you can look into a girl's eyes,and see that she finally realizes that she is a daughter of God, because the Spirit has borne witness of that to her during one of your lessons, it is all VERY worth it!! So, even though I have not been blogging..............I have been living!

1 comment:

Julie Jackman said...

Amen to that! I haven't had a chance to blog much either lately. Everyone's been sick and scouts has been triple speed ahead lately. I like what you said about young women. I'm thankful that Brittany has good leaders, like you are, that really care about them learning and loving the Gospel. Thanks for responding to my blogs (when I get a chance to blog!)