Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm thinking of you ~~~

Today, some our our loved ones are in Princess Cays ( I think).

Here's a shot of the beach from the bridge of their ship. Pretty cool how we can get on the computer and see where they are .
It looks sunny and warm. Hope they are having a good time!

I remember the good time we had while we were there!!

It's not that I am jealous or anything....It's not that I am bitter, because

I looooove the warm weather, beaches, sunshine...........

and YOU are there and I am NOT!!
and It's not that I HATE YOU...........cause I really don't......

It's just that while you are there, enjoying that.....You are really missing out on


So There!


Anonymous said...

oh my word! roger told me to look at your blog when he came up this morning. we had SUCH a great time and did have a hard time coming home to the snow. thanks so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey that all looks familiar. It is a weird thing seeing snow again where I live. It was crazy not having it last year, but was nice at times too. Oh well, good thing I bought a shovel. Can't wait to see you all. Drive safe.

Jessica said...

That is so cute! I sure was not missing the snow! I love it, but I think I was made for teh sun! You guys will have to come over and see some pictures! We had a blast!!!

bottspot said...

That's amazing! We sure had a great time ~~ NOT missing the snow. Kinda surreal that only a week ago we were sitting on the BEACH! Oh what I would give to be there again! Love ya!